
Well, hello there!

You've found my blog! I hope you'll find this space helps you find the best foundation, maximize that twice-a-year Sephora sale, or fall in love with a new nail polish color to add to your collection.

I'm not an expert in beauty, organizing and crafting, but these are some of my favorite things to do. I've gone through a lot of trial and error and along the way picked up knowledge and tips that have worked for me. Friends and coworkers have asked me for advice on finding ways to make lipstick last all day or for my thoughts on the newest mascara. I've taught friends how to wrap a present perfectly every time and I've logged enough hours at The Container Store to have picked up a thing or two on how to make my tiny New York City closet space work for me.

I've toyed around with the idea of starting a blog and with some encouragement from my friends, here we are - we've got lift off! I've got a lot of ideas for posts and I hope you'll leave a suggestion or two for things you'd like to see in the future.

For now, welcome aboard!



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